Creating a Responsive Image Gallery in React: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Building a responsive scroll gallery in React can be quite complicated but it’s a very valuable feature to add to a lot of projects requiring a gallery of sorts. But don’t worry, in this blog post, I shall guide you through the process step-by-step.


  • Must have installed npm and created a React application.

  • Must have cleared all default styles and app.js contents.

Step 1: Create the imageData.js file, Import the images and sort them into an array of objects

To build a gallery component, you’ll need images. Create an imageData.js file where you can import images from the assets folder and organize them in an array of objects. This array will help you display images based on their assigned data (e.g., id, category, imageUrl).

Step 2: Create the Gallery component

This component will render all the images from the selected array that will be passed as a prop to the component. We will be using a map method on the array to render every image in it with a unique key which would be the id of the image.

import React from "react";

const Gallery = ({ images }) => {
return (
<div className="gallery">
{ => (
<img key={} src={image.imageUrl} alt={`Img ${}`} />
export default Gallery;

import React from “react”;

const Gallery = ({ images }) => {

return (

<div className=”gallery”>

{ => (

<img key={} src={image.imageUrl} alt={`Img ${}`} />





export default Gallery;

Step 3: Create the CategoryMenu component

The CategoryMenu component serves as a navigation bar with image categories. It renders images matching the selected category when clicked. It accepts three props: categories (defining available categories), activeCategory (for styling the active category), and onSelectCategory (to display images for a selected category). To make it responsive, we’ll use useRef and useEffect hooks for scrolling.

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import './styles.css';

const CategoryMenu = ({ categories, activeCategory, onSelectCategory }) => {
const submenuRef = useRef(null);

const handleScroll = () => {
if (submenuRef.current) {
const submenuWidth = submenuRef.current.clientWidth;
const submenuScrollWidth = submenuRef.current.scrollWidth;
if (submenuScrollWidth > submenuWidth) {
submenuRef.current.scrollRight = submenuScrollWidth + submenuWidth;
else {
submenuRef.current.scrollRight = 0;

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

return (
<div className="submenu-wrapper">
<div className="submenu" ref={submenuRef} id="id">
{, index) => (
onClick={() => onSelectCategory(category, index)}
className={`${category === activeCategory ? "active" : ""} ${
index > categories.indexOf(activeCategory) ? "category-at-right" : "category-at-left"
export default CategoryMenu;

Step 4: Writing the App.js component

In the App.js file, import the Gallery and CategoryMenu components, as well as the imageData.js file. Create an array of unique categories and manage the active category using useState. Define a function to handle category selection and filter images accordingly. Render the components within a container.

To explain in-depth, we’llfilter the imageData array to get only the images that belong to the activeCategory. The component renders a div container that wraps the CategoryMenu and Gallery components. The CategoryMenu component is rendered with the categories, activeCategory, and handleSelectCategory props. The Gallery component is rendered with the filteredImages prop.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import MainGallery from "../GalleryPage/MainGallery";
import CategoryMenu from "../GalleryPage/CategoryMenu";
import imageData from "../imageData";

function GalleryPage() {
const categories = […new Set( => image.category))];
const [activeCategory, setActiveCategory] = useState(categories[0]);
const handleSelectCategory = (category) => {

const filteredImages = imageData.filter(
(image) => image.category === activeCategory

return (
<MainGallery images={filteredImages} />
export default GalleryPage;

Overall, this code sets up a gallery page with a category menu that allows users to filter the images being displayed in the main gallery based on selected categories.

Step 5: Apply styling to the CategoryMenu and Gallery components

Apply styling to the CategoryMenu and Gallery components as needed. Set overflow-x to enable horizontal scrolling when the category menu exceeds the container’s width. In the Gallery component, use grid layout and apply styles according to your project’s requirements.

And there you have it! A functional and responsive gallery that you can use for your projects, if you’re confused about how it works you can refer to a project where I built a gallery and also the GitHub repository.

Thanks for reading!